One of Europe’s last propeller-driven steamers and the only one in Austria, the “Thalia” was built in Dresden in 1909 and put out of commission in 1974 with a broken shaft. The former flagship of the Wörthersee fleet appeared to have come to the end of her useful life and she fell rapidly into disrepair. Thanks to countless protests and citizens’ action committees, work on restoring the ship began in 1987, although it was in an extremely poor condition by then. Once the conversion work had been successfully completed, the Thalia set out on her second maiden voyage on 2nd July 1988, outwardly the same but with of-the-art technology inside. Since then, the Thalia has been employed in regular service and for special tours, offering a touch of nostalgia, just like those who had saved her had wanted it. The original is 39.35 m long, 6.30 m wide and of 221 tonnes displacement. Her engines have 110 kW and she can carry 300 people.

Length: 1,57 m
Width: 25 cm
Height: 43 cm
Materials: copper, brass
Time taken: 8 months
Model maker: ÖGB apprentices’ training shop Krumpendorf (1991)