The Medina of Sousse is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Ribat is the oldest and best preserved building of Sousse. Built in the 9th century, the fortification was used as a defence against the Christians and the Normans.
The square 38 x 38 m building is flanked by eight towers. The tower in the southeast of the fortification was added in 821. It is 27 m high and served as a minaret and watchtower. The only gate in the south-facing wall opens up to the inner courtyard. Inside the building there are utility rooms, a kitchen, the austere cells of the “soldier-monks” and a small mosque.
While the Ribat of Sousse was not the first of this type of fortification, it is the one that is best preserved in its original form, and is today one of the most popular sights of Tunisia. The model is a precise replica and true to all details. The building blocks (32.000 pcs.) are original Tunisian limestone.